Module TikTok.Queries.Common
This module contains the QueryClass, which serves as a base class for handling common API queries.
The QueryClass is designed to encapsulate shared functionality and attributes for subclasses that interact with the TikTok API. It provides a reference to the parent Query instance, allowing subclasses to access authentication and endpoint information.
Subclasses can inherit from QueryClass to implement specific API query methods, ensuring consistent handling of API requests and responses.
class QueryClass (query: Query)
A subclass to handle common API queries.
- The parent Query instance.
Initializes the QueryClass subclass with a reference to the parent Query instance.
query (Query): The parent Query instance.
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class QueryClass(Generic[RequestModel, ResponseModel]): """ A subclass to handle common API queries. Attributes: query (Query): The parent Query instance. """ def __init__(self, query: "Query") -> None: """ Initializes the QueryClass subclass with a reference to the parent Query instance. Parameters: query (Query): The parent Query instance. """ self.query = query async def _fetch_data( self, url: str, request_model_class: Type[RequestModel], response_model_class: Type[ResponseModel], params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, json_data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> ResponseModel: """ Generalized method to fetch data from the TikTok API. This method handles the HTTP POST request, response validation, and error handling. Parameters: url (str): The API endpoint URL. request_model_class (Type[RequestModel]): The Pydantic model class for the request payload. response_model_class (Type[ResponseModel]): The Pydantic model class for the response payload. params (dict[str, Any] | None): Query parameters for the request. Defaults to None. json_data (dict[str, Any] | None): JSON payload for the request. Defaults to None. Returns: ResponseModel: An instance of the response_model_class containing the API response data. Raises: TikTok.Exceptions.Query.QueryException: If the API query fails or returns an error. pydantic.ValidationError: If the response body is invalid according to the expected model. httpx.HTTPError: For any HTTP errors that may occur during the API request. """ headers: httpx.Headers = httpx.Headers( request_model_class.HeadersModel( authorization=await self.query.auth.get_access_token() ).model_dump(by_alias=True) ) try: response: httpx.Response = await url=url, headers=headers, params=params or {}, json=request_model_class(**(json_data or {})).model_dump( by_alias=True, exclude_none=True, mode="json" ), ) # Whoever made the TikTok API return correct data on 500 status codes should be ashamed of themselves # This behavior happens mainly on the Playlist Info endpoint, which I never saw return a single 200 status code before if response.is_error and response.status_code < 500: response.raise_for_status() try: return response_model_class(**orjson.loads(response.content)) except ValidationError as validation_error: error_message: dict[str, Any] = orjson.loads(response.text) reason: str = ( error_message["error"]["code"] if "code" in error_message["error"] else error_message["error"]["message"] ) logger.error(f"TikTok API query failed: {reason}") raise QueryException( f"TikTok API query failed: {reason}" ) from validation_error except httpx.HTTPError as http_error: error_message = ( f"HTTP error during API query: {http_error}.\nResponse: {response.text}" ) logger.error(error_message) raise QueryException(error_message) from http_error def _build_json_data(self, json_data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Constructs a JSON-compatible dictionary by filtering out None values from the input data. This method takes a dictionary and removes any key-value pairs where the value is None, ensuring that the resulting dictionary is suitable for JSON serialization. Parameters: json_data (dict[str, Any]): The input dictionary containing data to be filtered. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A new dictionary containing only the key-value pairs with non-None values. Example: >>> _build_json_data({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': None}) {'key1': 'value1'} Raises: TypeError: If the input data is not a dictionary. """ return valfilter(lambda x: x is not None, json_data) def _build_params(self, params: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """ Converts a list of values into a dictionary with a 'fields' key and a comma-separated string value.. Parameters: params (list[str]): The list of values to be converted into a comma-separated string. Returns: dict[str, str]: A dictionary with a 'fields' key and a comma-separated string value. """ return {"fields": ",".join(params)}
- typing.Generic