Module TikTok.ValidationModels.RestAPI

Defines the structure and configuration of the TikTok API.

This module includes enumerations and models that encapsulate the base API configuration, specific API endpoints, and their respective URLs for interacting with the TikTok API. It serves as a foundation for making requests to the TikTok API, ensuring a structured and consistent approach to accessing API resources.


class APIEndpoints (**data: Any)

Model representing the API endpoints for the TikTok API.

This model encapsulates the various endpoints used to interact with the TikTok API, providing a structured way to access the URLs required for OAuth token requests, user information retrieval, and other actions.


OAuthTokenRequestURL : HttpUrl
The URL for requesting an OAuth token.
UserInfoURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving user information.
UserLikedVideosURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving videos liked by a user.
UserPinnedVideosURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving videos pinned by a user.
UserRepostedVideosURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving videos reposted by a user.
UserFollowingURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving users that a specified user is following.
UserFollowersURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving followers of a specified user.
PlaylistInfoURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving information about a specific playlist.
VideoSearchURL : HttpUrl
The URL for searching videos based on specified criteria.
VideoCommentsURL : HttpUrl
The URL for retrieving comments for a specific video.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

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class APIEndpoints(BaseRequestModel):
    Model representing the API endpoints for the TikTok API.

    This model encapsulates the various endpoints used to interact with the TikTok API,
    providing a structured way to access the URLs required for OAuth token requests, user
    information retrieval, and other actions.

        OAuthTokenRequestURL (HttpUrl): The URL for requesting an OAuth token.
        UserInfoURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving user information.
        UserLikedVideosURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving videos liked by a user.
        UserPinnedVideosURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving videos pinned by a user.
        UserRepostedVideosURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving videos reposted by a user.
        UserFollowingURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving users that a specified user is following.
        UserFollowersURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving followers of a specified user.
        PlaylistInfoURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving information about a specific playlist.
        VideoSearchURL (HttpUrl): The URL for searching videos based on specified criteria.
        VideoCommentsURL (HttpUrl): The URL for retrieving comments for a specific video.

    OAuthTokenRequestURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserInfoURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserLikedVideosURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserPinnedVideosURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserRepostedVideosURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserFollowingURL: HttpUrl = (
    UserFollowersURL: HttpUrl = (
    PlaylistInfoURL: HttpUrl = (
    VideoSearchURL: HttpUrl = (
    VideoCommentsURL: HttpUrl = (


Class variables

var OAuthTokenRequestURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var PlaylistInfoURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserFollowersURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserFollowingURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserInfoURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserLikedVideosURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserPinnedVideosURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var UserRepostedVideosURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var VideoCommentsURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var VideoSearchURL : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl
var model_config : pydantic.config.ConfigDict

Inherited members

class BaseAPI (*args, **kwds)

Enumeration for the base API configuration.

This class defines the base URL and API version for the TikTok API. It provides a structured way to access these constants throughout the application.


base_url : HttpUrl
The base URL for the TikTok API.
api_version : str
The version of the TikTok API being used.
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class BaseAPI(StrEnum):
    Enumeration for the base API configuration.

    This class defines the base URL and API version for the TikTok API.
    It provides a structured way to access these constants throughout the

        base_url (HttpUrl): The base URL for the TikTok API.
        api_version (str): The version of the TikTok API being used.

    base_url: HttpUrl = ""
    api_version: str = "v2"


  • enum.StrEnum
  • builtins.str
  • enum.ReprEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var api_version : str
var base_url : pydantic.networks.HttpUrl